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Small typo during the What You Wanted event Arvin thinks "It's clear I've cut her depper than I thought"


Noted, fixed for future releases - there's always the odd mistake I never spot, thanks for letting me know :))

the game is wonderful, but due to the fact that I am from Russia I do not quite understand the translation. Please provide a translation for this wonderful game

Heya dude! I don't support Russian translations myself, but I know there's an unofficial translation into Russian. Maybe this translation here could help you out?

(1 edit)

About the game, I went through all the cutscenes in the game and immediately say, don't hit stones, I'm Russian and I'm writing this through a translator because I want to support the developer of this creation) in fact, I thought this was an ordinary hentai game since I saw it in the telegram channel, but it turned out wonderful, sometimes tedious, but the moments with sleep, I was so scared of this) the game turned out to be memorable, made me think about life and everything, I will wait for updates and the end of the game) in the near future I want to support the developer materially, how did he deserve the game to be paid) and if possible, please make the Russian language, at least through a translator) And ALSO PLEASE TELL ME if it is possible to transfer saves from the mobile version to the PC? thank you in advance for the answer, I love and respect everyone, do not offend for nations and countries, we are all people (waiting for an answer from maelstrom <3


Heya dude! Thanks for reaching out and showing your support! I always love hearing from people who have enjoyed the game.

I unfortunately can't have an official Russian translation as I'm not familiar with the language - however, I do keep my eye out on several fan-made machine translations - hopefully this one here helps? 

And as far as compatibility between Android and PC goes, it's a bit difficult to say. If you have a Phone with an SD card, you can access the save data from the game, and copy it onto a PC - but I wouldn't recommend doing this as it can be quite complex. It'd probably be faster to replay the game, making use of the 'Skip to Choices' setting.

Thanks again for your kind words! It really means a lot :))

(1 edit)

oh thank you, I just couldn't find the translation on PC, I went through all the scripts in Russian on the phone, you can at least put it as an off translation if the author allows, the translation there is really decent) I couldn't find a translation for PC, so thanks again and good luck to you, you clearly have the potential to combine both the hunt and the XD philosophy.
and yes, by the way, have you thought about releasing the game in steam? it seems to me that she would have sold out well and you could get your well-deserved reward from this project) well, after the final release of the game, of course


Ah, I see - I did once have the option to import translated language files in-game when I was working with someone for an official Spanish translation - but that fell through. The process of translating it shouldn't be too difficult, but it's not something that I can currently dedicate time to supporting myself - sorry about that :(
I have considered Steam, but I think it'd be an option when he game is in a much more complete state. Maybe once the game is fully finished, I could try and upload it there? Otherwise, I have my Patreon and Subscibestar which are currently helping fund continual development, so I'm pretty happy :))

okay, thanks anyway, I'm waiting for the game in steam, as well as soon if I have the opportunity, I will support you as much as I can) good luck in creating games and by the way, when do you think you will release the final version of the game?)


The final version will probably be quite a while away - as of now, I'm roughly 10% of the way through creating the planned content for the full version of the game.
Thanks again dude, and I appreciate the support! :))


So, tell me, does the MC ever become more than an insufferable little bitch?

The girls all seem likable enough, but this MC deserves to have his hand held, walked to the nearest subway station, and pushed in front of an oncoming train.

You should have spent some time making people care about the MC before making him simply disagree with everything that anybody says to him. His "trauma" is an abstract concept, and it bears no relation to the character that we are meeting. It doesn't generate empathy towards him, it just makes reading the dialogue tedious.

Maybe it's your plan to make the MC an egregiously annoying character, and that would be a bold choice. However, I've invested barely an hour reading this story, and I can't even conceptualize a reason to spend another minute doing more.

So, without spoiling the story, is this what the game is about, or is there a compelling reason to continue enduring his whining? (And, no, naked cartoon girls are NOT a compelling enough reason)

It's intentional that the MC is an apathetic asshole. It actually seems to be a fairly popular narrative for games in this style to have on this site.

 Basically its MC is an ass, dating all the girls at once and is somehow involved in some weird cosmic shit. This plot structure is practically guaranteed if the game's an activity choosing VN made in koikatsu.

I've played three games like this including this one and the MCs are all terrible in the same way. They even all look the same so it's like I'm dealing with the same guy over and over again. This MC is the best by far and seems to be becoming less of an ass faster than the others. Trust me they're usually 1000x worse.

I understand your frustration and hope the MC turns around quickly but it's probably gonna be a while before he stops being so annoying.


Absolutely love where this game is going. Loveable characters, good story, scarring trauma. All exactly what I've wanted in a game. Hope to see this game have as much or more content than LiL


We'll see how we get on - Sel's update schedule is hard to compete with 😳

Thanks for the kind words though, appreciate it! :))


No rush at all. Take as much time as ya need. I'd rather have quality over quantity. Sel's in a league of their own, idk how theyre able to push out so much content. And you're welcome :). Thank you for making this game. 

(1 edit)

Dear god... that nickname cut for Ami....


teehee ;)


Did you take any inspiration from Lessons in Love or Sensei Overnight? (Haven't played yet but I'm currently downloading specifically because of those "flashes" in the previews)

Taken inspiration form LiL - strangely enough never heard of Sensei Overnight until I released the game.. o_o

(1 edit)

Ahhh i hope its just as good. LiL is by far my fav AVN

This makes my circuits feel damp, looking forward to further updates <3


I like the phrase there! More is on the way, will keep updated when I can on future stuff :))

(1 edit)

im right before the event "a big deal" yet i dont know how to activate it, im on mobile and it tells me to complete all possible events, i cant find out what to do, could someone help me out

Ah - I'm assuming the hover system won't work for mobile - don't test it myself so wasn't aware of the issue.

Here's a list of all the events you have to complete:

  • Saori - Tether
  • Ami - Buckle
  • Nia - Into Motion
  • Rin - Metamorphosis
  • Natsuki - Good Boy
  • Sakura - So, This is Me
  • Kirei - Nothing to Feel
  • Yuna - Sisterly Duties
  • Kasu - Two of You
  • Takane - Life-Support

Hope this helps, and will think of a way to show this info in mobile :))

The MC's accidental rizz is next level.

Ya termine todo el juego menos el evento de Iris, estoy un poco perdido en que hacer

La pista para el evento de Iris está en código hexadecimal, pero te lo haré saber aquí: se decodifica como "No ir a ninguna parte".

¡Espero que ayude! :))



Thanks dude! :))


why is every game paid :sob:


Huh? The game is free to download - I think it comes up with an option to donate when you try - just press 'Take me to the downloads' if you don't fancy it :))


the game is beautiful but please make a Russian translation


I wish I could create an official Russian translation - but unfortunately I'm not fluent :((

There's a Russian translation that seems pretty reliable, albeit with some minor translation errors (here's the link) - just checked the link and the site seems to be down for maintenance, but maybe give it a go in a couple hours? :))

I loved the game, it has a very interesting story and the characters are very charismatic, but there is one thing that could be improved, so the player can see what to do at the club and girls' events, they need to enter the menu, I play on my cell phone and it takes a while a lot to open these options, it would be more interesting to put them next to the Menu, save, etc., but I understand the choice since it's a lot, one question, how do you invite Ami to the protagonist's room at night?  this option didn't appear for me and there is also Saori's Monday event (which is after the event where she fights with Ami) this Monday is never enough to run the event, as I have already spent several days, increasing points with the girls and ps clubs and etc, I'm looking forward to the next update 🙏🙏❤❤


Heya dude! Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the kind words!

The hint system is designed to be a little out of the way - the intention isn't for the player to be 'spoon-fed' information - but the option to view it is there if one desires. But I do understand the pain of being on mobile, and the mobile version is something I'm hoping to revamp - I'll have a look into some optimisations for lower-end devices when it comes to menus.

For the issue of not being able to invite Ami over - it's most likely because you're running Ver 1.5.0, instead of 1.5.1. Ver 1.5.1 fixed the issue with this event, as it is permanently bugged in 1.5.0 - so I'd recommend updating to see if that solves the issue. Completing that event from Ami (Buckle) will let you continue with the main story :))

As always, new update is being worked on as we speak, thanks again dude! :))

Ok nevermind that's just a good old yanderapist

(1 edit)

I like how certain things crash the game intentionally with a jump scare, especially when I haven't saved in a long time :') fml
(not a knock on the game more so just a skill issue on my part}


Check auto-saves (keep going left in the saves menu)
Wouldn't be that mean intentionally, will add a notification for autosaves after a crash to prevent this :))


This reminds of me another psychological vn. I'll check this one

(2 edits) (+2)

Alright honest take:

1.) What's our role in the story as a player, are we playing the role of spectator or the MC himself?

-A lots of things didn't hit my curiosity for the first 30 minutes of the game, our MC having a generic English/Hispanic name while the rest of the campus being in Japanese setting/scenario, even the writings in the blackboard are indeed in Kanji.

-It's hard for me to wrap my head around why should I invest my time playing the game when the opening aren't that interesting (sorry if my word offends you).

-There should be a hard emphasis if our role here as a player is either spectator or the MC himself. There's a lot of ways to approach this.

A.) Having our MC background fit the entire setting is one but a lot of VN games overlook, things like name, ethnicity, and character design MATTERS. Having said that, some portions of it just misses.

B.) IF the MC's background is already set and deliberately design to be that way, make sure it's slowly introduce and discuss in the story specially IF the game is all about our MC's environment to begin with. 

C.) Or better, there's no need to name our MC, having nouns like "Me" , "Senpai" , "Sensei" is already enough. That emphasize the fact that the game is meant to be played at the MC's perspective not to ours. Have a strong grip to what the story is all about, it's nice having customizability but that can hurt the nature of how it'll affect future endeavors. 

2.) Dumping 25% of the side characters from 30 minutes of playing a 7-10 hours long VN game is NO-GOOD. You can argue about it but you'll be in so much information that it's hard to find the value for some side characters moving forward, since you've already filter out like 25% of them already to which one would you like to know more/invest your time with. The rest of the gameplay is solely for the entire purpose of advancing through the game which just eliminates the entire purpose of having a side character to begin with. It's not just for the story, but what's their value? What're they meant for? What's their contribution? Why they're suppose to be relevant?

3.) Slowly incorporate everything. You're not running on a ticking time bomb, please. The amount of information I read everytime I click the next dialogues are absurd. You want to let your audience sit and let the dialogue be absorb fully, there's no need having PhD on literature to play/read a VN dialogues. It's fine and excusable in scenarios where it is UTMOST necessity, but not 75% of the entire time. 


Heya dude - appreciate the time you've taken to check the game out. Let me explain a few things that are going on here:

1) The story is in the first person. This means that you are playing as the MC. The option to rename the MC is included for player preference - as some don't like the name chosen.
There's inherently meant to be a disconnect between the MC and his surroundings, hence the character design. This is intentional, and is hinted at and explained throughout the course of the game.

2) Each of the main characters are introduced during the opening hours of the story, yes - however they are very briefly encountered. Only 2 side characters are currently available, and only one of these side characters you come across within the beginning of the game. I'd tend to agree that characters are maybe introduced a little quickly - and the beginning of the game is something I'm hoping to make edits to in the future to bring it up-to-scratch with the more recently developed content.

3) I'm curious to hear some examples of exactly your issue is here, as I'm not sure I fully understand. Is the issue with phrasing certain lines? Is too much dialog presented on each click? Is there descriptive dialog you feel is unnecessary? Feel free to send me a DM via Discord with a little more info on this.

Either way, thanks for checking out the game - and I always appreciate people raising any issues/concerns they may have, to help make the game the best than it can be. Thanks dude! :)

(2 edits)

Woah! I appreciate the positive take from my criticism, I would definitely check back the game after some time, maybe 1 to 3 months from now or 2 to 3 updates. I won't shy away from financially supporting VN indie games like this as I did in the past so big plus for taking my feedback in brighter side as some wouldn't.

To answer the 3'rd question I couldn't provide much. Since I didn't really pass through 2 hours of gameplay which I'm assuming aren't even 10-15% of the game's entire content story, but let me confirm some information while I'm at it.

1.) Don't worry it's not the dialogue phasing or dialogue info, it's meant and necessary for VN in the first place. The accessibility and customization for word speed I can adjust so no worries. I don't read too fast nor too slow, referring to my number 2 pointers is one example(s), another is how congested some dialogues are, I'm not exactly sure what's the correct word, but I feel like whenever I read some dialogues either there's so much in one dialogue box or there's very few if you get what I mean(?)

2.) I took some time off to gather my thoughts as to why the opening scene didn't click in to me, for me one thing is lacking. Mystery. Or perhaps the lack of direction of the MC, in a way where it's completely evident that we as a player are trying to navigate the world the MC's "suppose" to be living. Take examples in Lesson in Love (LiL) and Broken Dreams (BD) they did a great examples on how to do it in a way where it doesn't disrupt the authoritative approach to MC's background. I can't exactly tell which pointers you should look, it's more about a feel/vibe.

Either way I'm glad you took my feedback with positive approach. I'm going to wait 2-3 updates worth of time before I play the game again and maybe provide my final/another criticism. Good luck on your future endeavors!

Wishing all the best!


lil better


Yeah, it's called Lesson In Love the same reference main character has also glasses bro same as character design

Olá, comecei a jogar a um tempinho e gostaria de saber como faço pra ligar para a AMI KAWATA ? (Estou na versão de Android)

Ei cara! Estou passando por um tradutor agora, sinto muito se não for 100% preciso. Acabei de carregar a versão 1.5.1, que corrige o bug que você encontrou. se você instalar a versão mais recente, poderá visitar a casa de Ami durante a noite :))

i pray that you wake up or something


The game is like Lesson in love though the main character has a glasses and scary looking girls when they approach can do something drastic to him

Can you change the character name?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes! In the settings, there is an option to change Arvin's name :)


Hi there,

I played this for 1/2 an hour or so and got bored. The usual ‘grind affection for scene’ stuff. The only character I liked was Saori.

I think there was meant to be something else going on in the story, some link to some special event or something, but since I hadn't seen much of it after 30 minutes I decided to stop.

I view it like reading a book. If you cant hook me in as the reader in the first chapter you're doing something wrong.


Heya! Sorry you weren't quite hooked - but thanks for giving it a go! I'll be revisiting the opening hours and re-adjusting them a little in the next couple of months, so I'll keep your feedback in mind :))


Thank you for taking my criticism well! Many people don't.

I'm waiting for the buckle ami event but nothing happened what should I do?

(1 edit)

This is an issue with v.1.5.0 - it's been updated in the most recent release (1.5.1), if you download that, and progress to Ami E4 then invite her over it should be fixed :))

I've passed day 18 Monday but no event happened for Saori, should I 100 my affection for her?

If you haven't completed Ami E5 (Buckle), this event won't occur yet. Updated the hint for clarification for the next release of the game ;)

Full-on sandbox(with farming and stuff) or Normal sandbox(just some normal roaming around)?


Normal sandbox - but not a huge aspect of the game :)

don't have Chinese?:(

Heya dude! Unfortunately, I can't translate the game to Chinese, but it might be worth submitting a translation request on a site like f95zone?


My new speedrunning time: 70-ish minutes.

Rules I've followed: Must read the text. Skipping hentai scenes are allowed (its a distraction.)

I will obtain more speed


We need to set up a leaderboard 😂

Unsure if I should ask but uh..

will I be on the wiki by any chance? 

It'd be pretty freakin based.

I think that's a great idea 😂 A page dedicated to Another World - Any%
Will be on the list ;)

(1 edit)

I see all the nsfw tags and all my events are done did I mess up on a choice or they are not in the game yet or do I just keep playing until they unlock


If you've completed all events, you've seen everything there is to see until now :)
Looking back at the tags, there are some that aren't quite in the game as of yet - will update accordingly to not make it misleading.

ok thank you love your game so far so to make sure only Ami is the main girl with the most nsfw nothing with the other girls yet


so far, yeah :))

I don't think it was there the last time I played but I'm really loving the little Events Checklist where at a glance it lists off the number of events for characters. Wish more games would implement one so you don't have to waste time going back and forth between character pages checking to see if there's anything else to do with a character.


yeah - it's a new addition from 1.3.0 - makes life a little easier - and the lines below each character on that menu turn a different colour when all events are completed too. Glad I did a whole events screen overhaul, makes it much easier to manage :))


Mehhh an mc despite being surrounded with very VERY blunt honest in your face about what they want the mc is one of those pathetic loser anime mc's with the IQ of a potato...   oh and yea also same idiotic delusional AF thing cause yea right all the hottest chicks in school flock to the total geekwad blushing cherry soi boi that is essentially a makshift jap male with a ridiculously imaginary oversized cock thats about 5x bigger than it ever would be riiiight..  just sucks cause this one has some of the better female modeled char i have seen in a while.

please chinese

you may be able to request this through a website like F95zone - I'm not fluent in many other languages so cannot supply translations, but I'm always open to public contributions :))

Is game completely free?

The game is completely free - however there is the option to support development through Patreon/Subscribestar - and these supporters get early access to the newest updates ahead of the public's release :)

(1 edit)

I think i played this game back when it first came onto itch, its come...quite a ways.

Edit: I'm a fast reader and I skip a lot of the hentai content so like... 9 hours for you is like 3 hours for me... 

The fastest eyes in the west.


It's a bit tough to estimate exactly how many hours the game is - but 3 hours to get through it is impressive 😳

(3 edits)

I decided to speedrun it.

 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 15 seconds.
edit: my tactic:
Press skip for seen texts,
upon a decision I always clicked the top one,
grinded on the clubs all at once per game day (same with the characters) 

I reckon you could probably get it down further if you used 'Skip To Choices' in the menu - when you turn on skip, it'll jump straight to the next choice. You could get the game done in no time with that ;)

For now though - new world record for Another World any% 😂😂

Ya know I'm surprised that considering that you mentioned optional fetish content that I haven't seen any comments on making the girls T&A expand. Game looks good by the way, gonna get into it soon.

Thanks dude! Hope you enjoy it!

I wouldn't expect too much in regards to fetish content (such as expansion, unfortunately), and any included would be quite far down the line. I just want the fact that those sorts of things will be optional to be vary clear if they're ever introduced later on :)

(1 edit)

It's cool, I was surprised that nobody mentioned it with the "People of Culture" that exist on the site. Though I do have to say I like a rather expansive rear myself.

Is there a way to turn off the vibrations on the cell phone version?

there isn't right now, unfortunately - but I will make sure to have the option to turn this on/off within the next update :))

Is there any possible way to pause a scene that quickly comes and goes in an instant? I would like to see these kinds of scenes a lot more clearly, instead of having to backtrack and keep playing the scene over and over again until I see what's unfolding before me. If there is any possible way, please let me know, and keep up the good work. Loving the game so far.

As of right now, there isn't a way to pause these scenes to view them - they are intentionally designed to be almost unviewable for the most part (such as the static/distorted transitions), or a challenge to view in some case (Saori E1 for example)

I may consider making certain elements pause when you're viewing the event as a replay - but I don't know how much that'd help this issue 🙃)

Glad you're enjoying the game! Always great to hear ☺️

That's fine, cause I found a way to see them more clearly than before. So you don't have to do anything about that after all. Can't wait for more! 😆👍❤️

What I do in instances like that is roll back before the "Blink and you'll miss it" scenes is spam the shit out of the "S" key to try and snag a screenshot of what's going on

That was exactly what I did actually, but thanks for the help anyway

(1 edit)

Any giantess/shrinking stuff ? ( "even" tall/short people count for me)


There might be slight height-difference-related stuff but I wouldn't count on it too much I'm afraid :(

Slight also counts

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

I see this now has a lesbian tag for planned tags. Lessons in Love is one of my favorites but my biggest complaint is it's a bit too lesbian heavy. So i feel the need to ask how lesbian heavy this game will be?

Expect a similar level to LiL - only Nia and Hina are confirmed to not be straight - and there shouldn't be many others, if any, more than that :)


Well that's unfortunate I was hoping it would be a lot less,

For the pool scenes with Natsuki you should remove her makup and make her wear a swim cap for immersion. It's uncanny how she has makeup on with her hair styled while swimming.

I've been getting this comment a little bit - I'll make some adjustments in later events when Natsuki's swimming competition becomes a little more significant ;)

Should probably add Lesbian as a future tag since I didn't find out about it until I saw it on a different website.

Done :)

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